You must be born again

Brother this I’d not have you fret. This is not optional, it is a must.  You must be born again. How true this statement. “Hay bro you’re making all these sound churchy and spiritual”, yes. A problem has no physical root but a spiritual one. Okay, listen and hear things out.  Nature has a way of helping us. Whenever we have a serious hit – a big problem people naturally go away from us. This implicitly means fix yourself first and then we shall return. As earlier hinted, people leaving you does not mean they are hard hearted. When you’re desolated, emptied and everything taken away leaving only just you to fate then ‘you are born again’ you never thought about this. It’s a serious issue that you must be born again, it is not a spontaneous process, but a conscious step you must take. There are people; things one must eliminate from life to survive the storm. The solution gate of many problems are design to be so narrow that you must be just you to pass through. Therefore, your baggage must be drop. You must strip yourself naked of anything hanging on you – ‘you must be born again’. Some things, those that holds you down are a long part of your life making it hard to get rid of.  I’d made a great turn around some years back when I realise who I was and what I wanted in my life. I’d to get rid of contacts that did not contribute to this end. I began concentrating on who I wanted to become. I realise one profound truth: who I wanted to become can’t walk to me I have to walk towards him. I became born again. As a thought, have you imagine why babies are full of happiness? The answer may be that it was born naked and has nothing to worry about or it is a new born and is created to be so. Well, whatever your answer! Hold done we’re not done yet with this born again issue. Considering physical born again to be important. What about spiritual born again, don’t you think we need it as well knowing that our lives are an integral of our spiritual make-up?  It has been said that, for a problem to be solve, the Light - Jesus Christ must be brought to the scene. The scene is our lives, when this happens then you are said to be born again. Suffice it to be mention that when He comes, He will save you from the storms and take charge of your life hence, the lord and saviour of your life. Are you ready? Be sure not to deny this great help. say the prayers below.
Dear Jesus Christ thank you for
dying for me. I believe in my
heart that you died for me and
resurrected on the third day. I
therefore confess I’m a sinner
ask that you forgive me I receive
you as my lord and savior.

Thank you in Jesus name. amen


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