Leadership and Communication - Part 2
The next issue is interest. We can’t really listen to people and communicate with our team until we are interested in them. A common pitfall is trying to make the team an interesting one or get people to be interested in what we do as we. It may work for a time. Little wonder why people in the team we supposed should be interested in and still look outside? Something is getting their interest, and that is a distraction to them and the team. A team can travel as fast as it slowest member can; and all these, everything falls and rise on leadership. Don’t pretend to be interested, be genuinely interested. People can tell when you are genuinely interested in them and when you are trying to be. It is not just what we say. People read us beyond that. The human message is a complex mix of our oral and body language, with our actions and dealings with them and others both present and past. They also draw on our verbally shared experience with them, and we are not always in control of all thes...